and yes she still is alive. i am hoping all the other victims are doing ok.
more battle wounds
as you may all know rylee got in a little accident on the 4 wheeler and this is some battle wounds....
ragen posing for the camera. she keeps us all entertained....
this is a picture of all my cousins. me being the oldest and all the way down to the smallest one in front in black. this is the first time in years that we have all got together for a picture. thank you grandma for having your fine children. i love spending time with all of my cousins we are all very close and have great times together. Love you all and can't wait for the next time............
Ragen just had a birthday on sunday. she is 7 years old. i can't believe my baby is 7. she loves pink as you can see and loves to have her picture taken. Happy Birthday Fuzzy!!!!! WE love you!!!!!!!
chey decided to show off his girly side.
my cute little (or big) family. can you ask one ? where did my height come from?
go mindi, this is the day of the 1/2 marathon. even though she wanted to quick the first few miles she pushed and finished.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
my dad, rylee and me floating the river. some of you may ask where the rest of my family is. well the next time you see my darling husband ask him what happened to him in the first hundred feet of floating the river......
the girls trying to be like KISS, we ate at the hard rock cafe in las vegas.
rylee posing for the camera in vegas. it was so hot and i really don't know if i ever care to go back unless its winter.
me and my sister in las vegas before the THUNDER FROM DOWN UNDER show. my sister got married in vegas so me and rylee went down.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
this picture was taken at my grandmas funeral, i just think my dad looks so cute in his new suit, even his own family did not reconize him.
The girls first day of school. All three of us are very excited its here. rylee is in 5th grade and ragen is in 1st. i have two and half hours a day to do whatever i want.
We love Jackson and can't wait to get back. Its just a few weeks away jamie......
have two girls, rylee and ragen. we both have two jobs, We stay very busy. we still live at the same place, do the same thing, and life just keeps ticking on.........